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{TOlle lege} Summer institute

"Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ."
​-St. John Paul the Great

Tolle Lege Summer Institute is a Catholic Institute in the Diocese of Cleveland empowering rising high school seniors to live their faith out in high school and beyond.


Tolle Lege integrates the intellectual life, spirituality, culture, and fun for a great week of community, friendship, and growth.


Applications for 2025 are due April 25th.  If you would like to apply, click below!

WEEK 1: June 15-20

WEEK 2: June 22-27

  • "My week on Tolle Lege was the event that sent me off to college with a firm decision to live for the Catholic faith and to find community to do it with. It left me so eager to dive deeper using what I learned after experiencing how alive the faith is through Tolle Lege’s community and formation. If I was looking for meaning in this world, Tolle Lege is the place to go to discover it."

    Issy Martin-Dye {TL} ‘21

  • “Tolle Lege showed me that other young people in Cleveland desired to love Jesus as I did; further, it revealed to me His Sacred & Merciful Heart in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. I would not be the person I am today had I not said yes to {TL}.”

    Caterina Kessler {TL} '22

  • {Tolle Lege} was an incredible opportunity to better understand the educational aspect of my faith while engaging in the Cleveland area. It was a very important time for me to meet Catholic teenagers as I began to navigate graduating high school.

    Lily Free {TL} ‘19

"The work of evangelization enriches the mind and the heart."
- Pope Francis